Every month Produced in Kent is taking a closer look at the different ways in which you can have a more sustainable attitude to food. This month, it is sharing helpful tips and advice on how to love your leftovers.
If residents of Kent start loving their leftovers, we could dramatically reduce food wastage. We encourage you to be Vocal About Local and share the ways in which you give your leftovers some love on social media.
Floortje Hoette, Chief Executive of Produced in Kent, knows that people are more likely to change one thing at a time, which is why the organisation is challenging residents to Change One Thing in its latest campaign to help fight food waste and boost the local economy.
“This month we are asking everyone to adopt at least one of these handy tips in a bid to reduce food waste and love your leftovers. Share your tips online and with family members and together we will have an impact on those around us and word will spread.”
Love your leftovers for Life with these top tips from Produced in Kent.
Produced in Kent is encouraging residents of the county to look at how they can change the way they use, handle and consume food. “Make a change, practise it ten times and that change becomes a habit, you don’t even think about it anymore.” continues Hoette.
There are simple changes that can be made that will have a much-needed positive input into the local independent food and drink industry and the environment. If we all begin to make gradual changes, these cumulative changes will have a greater impact on the planet.
Look out for next month’s round-up which will be bursting at the seams with timeless tips that you can use in 2022 to Change One Thing, and don’t forget to #Loveyourleftovers!